Monday 23 January 2012

Question 1 Draft

Our Narrative is about situations that some of us can find ourselves in life, though not everyone is robbed in they’re lifetime, it is a pretty ordinary situation and everybody can relate to similar events.
The narrative also has themes of dreams and ambitions as we see the main character move from ordinary student to your awesome superhero, in the same day achieving his dream of dance music superstardom. Both these scenarios are ordinary but the idea of achieving all your hopes and dreams is somewhat surreal to most of us.
We think we achieved what we aimed to do from the very beginning which was to create a product that our audience would be able to interact with in they’re daily lives as its thought provoking and can be interpreted in a number of ways. It’ll get people talking!

The majority of the editing moves away and challenges the surreal nature of most dance music videos because it’s a little bit like a shot screenplay told through music. However is does have a sub theme which shows conventions of a comic book with colour words popping out (The usual KABOOM type thing of you get in comic books)

Camera Movement
We attempted to use meaningful camera movement such as at 0:40 when the music slows down, slight bass is added and everything slows down at the same time the camera slowly moves up our new superhero signalling a new beginning, and basically indication that this is a pivotal moment in the video.
Meaning Is also added to another camera movement at 2:29 when the hero is running into the distance, the camera moves into the next shot showing continuous movement


1 comment:

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